Thursday, June 20, 2013

Black Twitter's Still Whacking Paula Deen

The Ten Weirdest Allegations From Paula Deen's Home-Cooked Racism and Sexual Harassment Complaint
Yeah Paula, you seriously pissed us off.

Black Twitter still has its foot firmly planted in Paula Deen's antebellum behind.  It has moved on from the #PaulasBestDishes one that went viral yesterday and was the number one trending topic on Twitter for several hours to cooking up a new Twitter hasttag to highlight her Southern fried bigotry.

The latest Twitter hashtag is entitled #PaulaWontCookIt and was created by Dr. Brittney Cooper of Rutgers University and Crunk Feminist Collective after her friend Patrice Simpson suggested the idea. 

Some of the entries on that hashtag are just as hilarious as the sarcastic cuisine that was conjured up by the Black Twitterverse yesterday and yes, the TransGriot threw some in on the new hashtag as well.

Trying to get to the 7500 tweet mark and I'm a few tweets short of it  ;) 

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